It Is amazing how badly or wrongly clients treat their suppliers. I also am a victim as a supplier and a culprit as a client.
As clients we hold in today’s economy too much power owed not to our virtue or even to the supplier’s weakness but to the fact that there are increasing number of suppliers disproportionate to client number. Basically clients have become powerful because the population of entrepreneurs has increased thus spoiling clients with choice.
This gives clients the right or the excuse to misbehave, exploit and cheat suppliers. We all have been on the recieving end of customer’s blow. most of us as customers have also played those cards to suppliers. But we regret it later. some dont. mainly those that dont need to serve customers for a living.
I want to draw a parallel to this client-supplier relation and the employer – employee relation.
There was a time when employees used to be treated like suppliers currently:as apples or potatoes. If you don’t like one replace it. There are so many choices waiting in line. why bother? If possible pay them nothing and as late as possible. They exist because of the employers mercy: they think.
But we now know how outdated these concepts are. today we treat our employees well if not the best we can.
My point is that suppliers will be treated differently too: as best as possible.
The shift is Imminent.
client who thinks himself as god or king will suffer a lot if he doesnt embrace change. Remember every monarchy fails eventually. Why Shouldn’t that of the client?