Spiritual Side

articles about soul, mind, life and the journey to absolute happiness and success and how they can be linked to our daily realities of material living: earning, spending, society and community.

A healed heart

Many dont know what is aura photography. Most who know dont believe it is of any practical use. Most Who believe in the contrary, wouldn’t either have the time or inclination to apply the findings from aura photography. Myself I applied those findings and it has made my life all the time better than if…

Dashain Holidays

Every year l use these 5 to 6 days of holidays to contemplate about the next year. It is a time of quiet and calm. l make critical choIces during that period. Many times there are unexpected revelations. Do others use this period of time as l do? most likely they dont. It is during…

Growing older

l am sure that growing old there are three things that can happen: one doesn’t evolve one devolves one evolves Experience can be of two kinds: that Which adds just memories that which Causes changes in the neurology or wiring of the the brain The true wise man keeps evolving and assimilating experiences to become…


We all seek to connect. The difference Is connect ‘with which sense organ’ ‘to which object’? A hungry man connects his sense of taste with food and he enjoys. A computer programmer connects his mind with the computer. A lustful man connects his sexual energy with that of the other. A yogi connects his internal…

Morning blues

l don’t know if it happens to you also but most of my mornings as soon as I wake up, I have to wage a battle inside me to overcome or subdue the negative thoughts that come. Mostly they are themed,”You can’t do it.” Using various methods I eventually succeed.  

Beyond psychology

Is it easy to understand people? It is possible but it takes a lifelong period for learning about psychology. But if one wants to ever be happy its a journey one must take. Whether you must try to make sense of your spouse’s behaviour or that of your parents or children or boss, knowledge of…

Why do people choose to be unhappy?

As a meditator and inner peace person, and a successful teacher I always thought it was possible to change anyone. slowly as l get older I realize not all people will choose the path of inner peace. Instead they prefer to be Right, rich and powerful at any cost. l fail to understand their choice…


At times life seems to be moving faster than you can run. There are more problems can you can possibly handle; More people who want a piece of you than there’s a whole of you. It’s during these trying times that you lose all your energy. The secret is to not let these emotions overwhelm…

Who will fulfill his destiny?

When I was young, few people could see what I was to become in the future. To most I was a mystery. Probably I was going to be a disaster, an accident, a freak. No one can blame them for that. But I can just be amazed at those who saw through the fog of…

Meditation in the 21st century

I did a full blood test recently and my cholesterol was on border line. I don’t enjoy oily food, I don’t smoke or drink, I even exercise daily. I wondered how. Well I need to excercise more thanks to modern diet. I enjoy meditation and that usually means starting in one place but I devised…