
July 31, 2022
1 min read

I enjoy my life with so much private time for myself. In this current world of 6 billion people, I might be the only one enjoying the deepest essence of life:

  • feeling the endorphin all day long
  • getting oxytocin as I go into samadhi or simply meditate
  • see my mother grow old and learning to live with aging
  • supporting my wife in her happiness through career that I don’t seek
  • being around my son without interfering but like a stand by guard
  • having time to think, simply think whatever I want to explore
  • read any book I want in the world for however long I want
  • write my thoughts and feelings like this
  • not have any burden
  • not having any one to answer to
  • having reconciled all my relationships
  • not being worried about the future after accepting that came through so much meditation
  • being able to contemplate on my past lives
  • being able to contemplate on the wholeness of business, organization, society and existence itself
  • being able to work on the grandest theories of life without worries about its survival or loss in oblivion

So here as I write watching out of my window into the trees and the landscape filled with houses, I feel calm, much calmer than I have been.