Having attained Samadhi, i feel my mind is so free and so eager to do something. I am working towards building my new career. Lets see. There is no rush.
- daily video uploads
- weekly book review email blast
- daily 1 email marketing to training companies in USA
I have got my marketing and branding covered.
- Strategic planning work with Uttarganga
- ERP design with Rupakot
I am doing these almost for free with high chances of not getting any money. But I see that this is the direction i must go.
So I am doing lots of work to build my career.
After my escapade with the entrepreneurship exercise, I know for now that i will not be a CEO or even a chairman. the 3 conditions I was born with will be followed:
- no ownership
- no title
- no seat
yes such is my life for my mind.
till a few days ago I was busy making my samadhi state work and stabilize. Now that this stage is achieved, I am totally free in the mind.
Still there are few things I need to understand, and I am reading.
I know my life and when time will come the work will come.