After the storm

August 9, 2014
1 min read

Last 6 months have been so hard I haven’t told anyone. There are such things in life that only time can heal and that only wisdom can guarantee a safe landing. Being enraged I could have engaged in so many activities that wouldn’t be immoral. But I restrained myself because I knew it wont solve the problem in the way I wanted.

I am relaxed after half a year of stress, pressure, critical decisions. My strategies to handle the various events proved correct.

People are scared of pain. But I see this as an invitation to transform oneself.

They say 40 Yrs old is an important part of life. I experienced it first hand.

We can become so many things in life but all depends on which strategies we use, which decisions we make, which habits we cultivate and which attitude we embrace. Success come naturally if we follow the correct path.

The correct path is never obvious or pleasurable.

I am happy today. I am at peace today. I am relaxed today. Now it is almost a year I hadnt felt this way.

After the storm, I realized I have got more than I lost.