I am moving into deeper and more advanced practices under samadhi. I had reached that stage at 24 but i didn’t go further as i was afraid. I should have been afraid because it require abondon. I couldn’t afford to abodon living at 24. But 20 years later, I can and even if i didn’t want to, I am wouldn’t be left with an option not to fulfill my destiny.
All I can wonder now is, where is all this tremendous power taking me? It is not possible that the spritual power that I am attained anyone till today has achieved while in a body at such an early age.
Most likely to reach the state of samadhi I am in, the person would have to be a disciple of a Guru thus being dependent. I have no physical Guru and thus I owe no body anyone.
Most yogis would have to practice forbidden practices that i cannot mention here to even in the future. that would have destroyed them before they would have found salvation because the tools and technology to practice them safely were not existing before. And now even after my time, such a time is perfect stage of technology, mindsets of the masses cannot be replicated for these practices.
I have attained samadhi but at the same time I have read thousands of books, met over 30 thousand people , mastered the skill to transform people’s attitude , behavior, as well as organizations’ systems. Also I have acquired wealth, build assets and have a made a liberated family. Top it all, no one knows I am such a great soul that even the highest of the ascended masters come to visit me. Even if you read this you will not believe it and you will not care to come and ask me, at least until time comes.
Basically I have attained samadhi in the silence of he urban jungle.
What job I am going to do with this great powers that i am practicing in my state of samadhi, i don’t know.