Dashain holidays in Nepal falls at a time in the season when winter is about to begin. The autumn in Europe is symbolised by falling yellow leaves filling the streets. The autumn in Nepal is one where the cities get empty and villages filled , the sun is just bright enough and the air has a unique aroma.
To some Dashain is a time of giving more while to some receiving it is a time of receiving more. But to all it is a time to just leave the rush and hustle bustle behind.
Most people waste it away in the name of relaxation.
Myself i use this total off time of 7 days to recharge and plan for the next year.
This year i completed last year’s plan which was tough in that i needed to convince myself to start 2 companies. This year the challenge is easier : to convince enough people to get my 2 companies started in business.
The job is tough but since it is focused it is going to be faster than the job of convincing myself. I want to get at least 100 associates working across 50 deals by next year this time.
Is it possible ? I don’t know but I’m planning to that end.
I’ve added a new routine since few days.
4.30 to 5 am . Visualize the series of visions for my 2 companies.
5 to 5.30 am toilet and coffee
5.30 am to 7.30 am … exercise
7.30 am to 8am.. car washing
8 am to 9.30am … book writing / meetings / visits / training
9.30 to 10… lunch
10 to 1pm… 1st slot visits / planning / designing / meeting / training /calls / report review
1 to 2pm. Power nap / reading / snacks
2 to 5 pm . 2nd slot visits / planning / designing / meeting / training /calls / report review
5 to 8… exercise, relax or 3rd slot
8.30 to 10 pm .. meditation
10 to 4 am .. sleep
Routines have been my most important tool for surviving bad days and staying put in good days.
I had been anticipating this dashain more than any years prior because i knew the power of the thoughts during this period. Time will eventually pass. Next year I’m not sure of I’ll make 1 crore but I’m sure I’ll have repeated the alt routine 365 times. I’ve repeated last year’s routine 365 times. For as long as i live i know I’ve got to follow my routine otherwise I’ll get lost. Success will come if it’s destined: A correct routine is not enough.
Life is mysterious. When i see people in their 50s , 60s,70s, 80s and 90s without a routine and a fixed direction to emf their lives I’m just shocked and the implications: regret, anxiety, mistakes. No I’ve chosen to continue whatever love i have left without these three.