A phase in my life

November 8, 2010
1 min read

For A few months something haPpened in me that was different. An aggression took over me, nothing physical. On this plane I was unchaNged. no  one sane his phase Come escalate and then die.


There was a spiritual and mental purpose of this phase or did I derive it from my powers of transformation , I can’t say. However as a result even ere unimaginable Circumstances changed on the Physical realm.


as I think of these times of spiritual aggression I shiver thinking “I can’t do it again”


Spiritually I burnt lots of unwanted karma.


Mentally it made  me much faster and sharper.


Now you may wonder what this phase was.  But I would like to keep it private for some more time until I too can find closure over this one.  So in another blog you can expect reading about it.Â