Know what you’re paid for

August 22, 2010
2 min read

I am a professional management consultant and motivator.  It means there are times when i dont’ have work, since i only do that.  I dont’ ‘take on responsibility for company’  .  If i did i would get work for a contract period of months, if not years.  But i am professional advisor.  You don’t this guy hanging around your office month long, leave year long.  He is intense and demanding.  That is me.  He is call it a ‘one-night stand’ of business.  He is worth it all,  but it can’t be a marriage, because he is just too passionate. 

Anyways, i get paid a bit higher than other people.  I just realized why any professional gets paid higher. 

It is so that he can maintain his quality by having more breaks

  • to enegize himself,
  •  to expand his consciousness related to his expertise and
  • to gain more knoweldge/skills required for him to deliver at higher standards. 

In this way my high fees compensate for my non-earning days when i can focus on the the above three activities of self-development. 

What i am pointing to is that we should all try  to understand what we are taking payment for.  You will feel much better this way and be a top performer…