I’ve got a gift. One person Told me when I was nothing
“You are too difficult to deminate so don’t seek a job.â€
Another person said
“Write a book I will read it. You have IT.â€
Another person said
“When you speak people listenâ€
My gift did not fall into any known category.
Over time I realized my gift is in making people inspired and enlightened.
Then my gift could bring groups of people closer into more fulfilling relationships
My gift is so peculiar I can’t even put it Down here .
It is like singing to me but I can’t find a word repesentiNg this gift. Motivating would be too limiting
I don’t call it a Skill because
- This Thing came to through me.Â
- I observed it being expressed through me
- I figured out its start middle end triggers processes principles
- I turned this passig gift inti e skill I can call upon anytime
- I even went to the core by developing the skill to get even more refinement Of the man gift pass through me.