When you are driving there is a mechanism to tell you if the car is over heated. If the arrow goes up beyond the certain point, then you have to stop and fix the problem before the engine burns.Â
But have you created such a mechanism in your life to tell you whether you are on the right track or not?Â
As for me, i have programed myself to wake up into a realization of the negative aspects of all my actions. If i can counsel myself out of them, then i am on the right track. If i can’t then i know i must take corrective action to fix the bad sensation.Â
For example yesterday i wrote an article. Upto the night, i was excited and proud of my work. I thought is was one of the best. But as i woke up in the morning, i felt remorse: why did not not write that, why did i write too much on that… I even thought of calling up the editor and redoing it. But then i could counsel myself that it was good enough and needed not fixing. It was not the best but it was still good.Â
But if that feeling of remorse would not go away, i would have called and redone the article.Â
Many times i wake up feeling bad about the way i talked to someone. I can’t counsel myself out of this so i call that someone and apologize.Â
Such activities keep the spirit clean.