To be nice or nasty?

April 28, 2012
2 min read

It’s difficult to treat people differently. For example being nice to one person then immediately being nasty to someone else. As leaders this is necessary you would say. You have to be nice to the customer otherwise they’ll shop somewhere else but you have to be nasty to your staffs otherwise they’ll not obey you.

Take another example. First this woman is a wife then she gives birth to a cold and becomes a mother. to the husband she has to be lenient but to the child she has to be strict. At first she manages but eventually she confuses the roles. she can’t be both even over a period of 24 hours. Thus two things happen. Either she uses the lenient approach on her cold and the child gets spoilt. Or she uses the strict approach on the husband and she ends up with a disillusioned husband.

It’s a difficult situation.

Either way you’re screwed. It’s just a matter of time.

But if the husband is wise you’ll get away with a well disciplined child equipped with the winning values of hard work.

Same with employers. If your staffs understand the need of such dual behavior or in lay man language, double standard, then you’ll get away with happy customers giving you return businesses.

But that’s if you are lucky and built relationship of trust and faith before hand that is prior to the child or prior to heavy flow of customers.

But take my advice. Don’t try your luck. Best strategy is to develop an honest communication style. I’ve worked years on that. But at this point I can’t put a label on it. But I know I’m close. I’ll blog when my standard operating procedure or sop for this is ready.