On Life/Success

articles about how to deal with relationships at home: spouse, parents and children successfully. Also articles about how to come out of depressions, stresses, worries, boredom, bad memories and similar negative emotions

When I’m on leave

Wow! This Super management consultant is or leave today. It is in Totality I kid I have on lead from My current Client office The brain activity that works on  Client’s  problems My own marketing schemes Business Strategy How to sell my time and talent so it dosem’t  go to waste   The process  of transforming…

Really living your dream

People say go and live your dreams. But they say so without truly understanding.   Let me  tell you what it means. It means You must know yourself You must know where your own dream stands with respect fo other people’ s dreams. You must be first willing  to make other peoples dream come true….

work ethic of 21St Century

I am at work. it is a strange feeling that a CEO trusts me so much that he pays me juSt to be at his office. I ask myself can I give return for my stay today and long term ‘financially and non financially. Having given my time so that people get value per min…

The quality of transforming

If I had to ask god only one quality in life it would the ability to transform.  The logical question is why and yes transform but what to what?  I’m using this computer, because some scientists, engineers and commercial genius transformed certain elements into this new reality.  Look around life.  it is filled with remnants of…

Don’t Not Give…

It seems to be absurd to say what I am about to say but it must be said.  In every woman, no matter how noble she is, there is a prostitute.  And reciprocally in every man, no matter how noble he is there is a patron.  It is not new.  Prostitutes have been used as…

10 years Into undestanding of a Bad Habit

Today the internet has become easy. There was a time of dial-up. Many must have forgotten. But tell you what.. I have been still living in that dial-up generation. This is the story why. Others can relate my story to their struggle to overcome a habit which they don’t know if it is good or…

Taking the path of least resistance

It was my guru/ex-boss who initiated me in this path of least resistance.  It means that say, you want go to ‘G’ but you cannot get it there.  Instead despite your most arduous effort, you are taken to ‘C’ or ‘P’.  In that case, taking the path of least resistance means that you will change your…

Staying Forever young

In the party yesterday, I saw people who were about 10 years older than I.  They looked old. But that is not what made me think.  Their skin was not normal: it was hard, devoid of juice, without brightness.    I did not want to be like them.  They were job-holders, some were more successful…

Wake up before it is too late!

When passions turns into business, the feeling is not good.  Either you change and mend your ways or your are headed to the doldrums of misery.    I had a rude wake up call yesterday when two days of my motivation wks were postponed and was left without work for these two days.  It is…

The battle against weight gain

When you reach a certain level of success, food is too ample and most of time free.  You wished that was the case when one were unemployed.  But such is the process of life.    It is at these time of illusionary grandeur that one forgets that food means calories.  This will lead to fats. …