God’s war

April 7, 2020
2 min read

There was a time I thought I would be the only one to be facing this nothingness. I am just shocked that now billions of people are in the same place I am:

  • uncertain
  • with cancellations
  • ambiguita
  • yes VUCA (volatality, uncertainty, confusion, ambiguity)

In one way I feel a secret happiness that finally these proud people who held power in the old systems, now are shaking out of fear. But for me it is nothing much different.

At times I wonder why I am not calling anyone? But I have no urge to connect with anyone. My family is enough. Then I have the universe. I don’t feel any consolation with any one. Every other relationship is conditional. If you can pay and there is use, there is care, if not there is nothing. What kind of connection is this? Now that nothing of the past will hold, what use is this?

Then I don’t think and it has been proven accordingly that I understand myself the best in writing.

Today I watched an old french movie by louis the funes that i had last seen when i was less that 10. So I have a fixed feeling. I have not uploaded anything.

I recieved one funny email complaining about the frequency. I felt temporarily bad but it is nothing.

I don’t know what I wish.

I am enjoying my time with the family. All I miss is swimming only. I have everything else.

How will the world look like after the crisis. In a dream i was told November mid. at that time i didn’t understand because the topic of corona virus hadnt even come and it was in December. today I realize it means the current crisis.

The world that will arise then, will be very different than today. the players will be different. Most the current ones will have collapsed. It is amazing, isn’t it?

I have about 2 lakh rupees of receivables I will probably not recover. But people have lost fortunes, so it is ok.

Every time I wonder how the world will find me.

I pity those who are in position of power now. Little did they know that they would find themselves in a losing war against god himself. he will have his way.