
May 27, 2018
2 min read

After almost a year into my attempt of becoming an enterpreneur I’ve got to decide whether to continue a certain strategy or start a new one. I can fail anytime and I’d fall into the statistics of the 90 percent business that fail before third year. If I’m to fail I’ll do so by next year for sure . But I’m pretty ok with failure . It is part of life. I’ve succeeded in becoming a professional and in itself that was great. Still i wanted to push myself further. Still i wanted to challenge some people with my success as an entrepreneur, although now it doesn’t matter.

May be in not driven enough for two reasons. I’m too old to be deluded by the dream of fame or money. Moreover i still don’t need any more money that id earn from the success of my business. Nor I’m i looking to be more busy. In fact I’m not fully excited to go full throttle because I’d lose my free time. To me time is everything. Money is secondary.

I want to bring in investors and hire a top ceo and remain the chairman and founder. I’m willing to give upto 75% of my share got this deal. I’m the master mind if this idea and that’s more than enough.

My idea is too big for me. It’s too hidden for anyone without my back ground to see. There is not enough supporting culture to make this idea succeed although the technology is matured enough.

At this point of life i wonder will history mention my name as the founder of the greatest company ever or will i just fizzle away like the millions of wanna bes?