Clearing delusion again

December 9, 2018
3 min read

History repeats itself. I am back on the road, training and consulting. I’m so good at this that people pay me so much. In the last cycle I got carried away. I was not sure this was my real calling. Now I know after so many failures that this is my calling.

What i miss is not being able to help my wife, mother and son in their daily lives. But while doing that i was losing my own career. I did that for all those years. But this life gives me meaning, purpose. I feel in the zone when i am training and consulting.

In my past life, I quit my throne and in this life i always wondered if I did the wrong thing and thus tried to rebuild an empire. But as i tried last 2 years and at the climax i realized that i had done the right thing in last life. I am not willing to sacrifice what is needed to be a king or ceo or entrepreneur. So without that how can i become those? I will never be happy trying to vanquish directly someone else or another company, trying to be be number on for the sake of it. However i love to be the coach helping such a person.

So I have found my place in history.

It is strange i should be thinking this way at this point of my life, but i am not going to be an entrepreneur and that is that. If I had no other option I would but I can both be happy and rich being what i do the best and no one else can do: training and consulting.

So this is the way I will lead life onwards.

Truly I never enjoyed my work like this before. Now i know there is no other path for me.

Yes there is some inconvenience to my family but then they understand.

To get I have as an entrepreneur: the respect, the money, the status, the power, would take too long, too much effort and would be so temporary.

However I still hope that i will be able to find someone who will carry on my dream of this empire i was thinking about.

Every year delusions in my psyche get cleaned. Upto last year i really thought i would be a billionaire doing the M&A idea. But then what would i do with those billions?

Whatever money i have is already too much. truly i am just earning because i can’t just drop: it would be a bad example.