my forgotten spot

February 1, 2020
1 min read

After many months, almost a year, I am writing from the balcony. I had forgotten the importance of this spot in my reflection process. Then when I was given the suite at the hotel in Nagar kot, one spot intrigued me. It was a half bed with a window showing the valley below & the people.

I had all the pleasures of the luxurious suite at my house I knew but not this spot. So I wondered how to replicate it for days.

Then just today I realized I was missing my balcony time. Sitting in front of trees. the sun rising, stretching my legs, listening to birds & music & above all writing my thoughts. Some eagles arehovering the sky, many fruits are ripe & about to fall.

We forget even important things that are always with you. Why? I don’t know. We just do. But following the leads of life & our feelings we can re-disover them, like I did.

I just need some time to sit, be in nature & write.