War of scope: the ultimate strategy

December 3, 2013
2 min read

How do you sell in a market that is poised with unhealthy competition meaning suppliers are not competing on service but On:
price or discount
credit period
commission to the purchasing officer at the client?

It is a mad place to do business in such a scenario.

Important factors such as
quality of service
quality of relationship
quality of good governance
Financial transparency
extent of social responsibility
brand value
should have surpassed above three factors that are born of ignorance of negative consequences.

However if a good company want to survive in a business environment filled with vultures it must adopt the ultimate strategy that I Have coined “war of scopes”.

Basically this strategy means to trap the client to buy One’s services by showing them the threat of losing their Own business that Is tied to the supplier.

Make it too costly in terms of lost opportunities for the client not to give you business.

Only if the good businesses use this war of scope strategy will they win oVer the self destructing business models of short term minded businesses.

Good must prevail but at times evil strategies such at “war of scope” are the only way.

Example of actions under this strategy are:
Buying from that client
selling to that client other products that it Cant set anywhere else
creating impression of one’s omniscience

This is the ultimate strategy after all other strategies dont give one monopoly status. Use it with care. Under good hands it will create heaven. Under evil hands it will create hell.